Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Well, I guess there's a first time for everything, and after being around people I care who blog, than why not? So here goes nothing- let's see how long I can maintain.

Thoughts on my mind-
Have you ever felt like you had everything you want, or what seems to be everything you want, but something seems to be missing-of course. That's exactly how I feel right now. I can understand why people complain about their struggles in life, which in reality should be something one stresses. Than we have the other individuals who have not experience anything tramtic in their life, who seem to stress materalistic things. I would say I have what seems to be a semi perfect family, great friends, a good head on my shoulder, a good future ahead of myself (fingers crossed), my codey, my linkie, but something is just not right. I sit and think of how things could have been, how things are, and still I can't pin point what's wrong. Sometimes I feel I'm too nice of a person, I give and give, and never recieved the same treatment in return. Life is to short to over anaysis things, or is it that I look at life through a different scope?


  1. I should so be a grammar teacher...Lol you overanalyze things a lot which can sometimes lead you to start going down the "negative" path. Always realize that you have to satisfy yourself before taking care of others, you wont make anyone happy till you yourself are smiling. You have your whole life ahead of you, and I have no doubts that you're meant to be and do great things in life. Smile. Dork.

  2. Hi sister. You should definitely write more than you do. Why? It helps clear your thoughts and spills it all out on paper (computer). You can always go back and see the state of mind you were in then and where you are now. As you know, I have so many journals-right now I have 2 small notebooks in my purse. My new strategy is to just write and not read it again. My thoughts are currently so...negative, I don't want to read and relive it again. I guess I just write it all down to "throw up" and clear my head.

    We've both been through a lot this year--let's hope things get better.
