Thursday, August 5, 2010


This summer is slowly coming to an end, and amazingly to say, it feels so blah. I don't know if it's because with age comes change, but this summer came and will soon leave. Many things change I guess as you get older, when younger summers seemed like years, as you got older, summers was that time where you were able to travel, not summers consist of the same during the year events, with a spice of hot weather.

Although this summer is soon coming to an end, it was a "new" one for me. This was my first summer where Jacob was all mine. je je. Although this is summer hasn't been the most active one, but being with moo moo has made it fullfilling.

When coming out of a long term relationship, I told myself, I will never date, atleast not for a while. I was scared of the whole, getting to know somebody new, getting used to their habits, and pretty much just comparing and contrasting between the person I had before and the person I'm with not.

I must say it wasn't difficult at all, like every other relationships, there are many ups and downs, but with that comes friendship, tears, and pretty much the soulmate I never thought exist. I must say, we balance eachother out.

With ending come new beginnings. :)

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